Trying a Mexican Fruit Cup for the First Time

Ola my friend! When you hear, “Mexican fruit cup” what comes to your mind? Probably a bowl of assorted chopped fruits in a bowl, right? Well, if you are not already acquainted with the Mexican fruit cup, then trying it for the first time may be an entertaining experience. I know it was for me … to say the least LOL.

I am used to basic fruit salads such as a combination of chopped fruits including peaches, nectarines, plums, apples, watermelon, red grapes, green grapes, strawberries, blueberries, pineapples, honeydew, and cantaloupe. Ok that is a massive fruit salad on paper haha, but it’s so colorful and delicious. The Mexican fruit cup on the other hand takes fruit salad to another level. It is simple and delicious but packs a powerful punch. Ready to learn more about Mexican fruit cups? Let’s go!

1. What are Mexican Fruit Cups?

The Mexican fruit cup is a cup of typically three to six different fruits. The fruit combination varies and can include vegetables like cucumbers or jicama. The fruit is fresh and sliced in stick-like chunks. The kicker with this fruit salad is, it is generally drizzled in Chamoy sauce with a sharp sour seasoning sprinkled on top. The seasoning is chili or chili lime seasoning. The fruit is served fresh in a cup, bowl, or container. 

2. Introduction to Mexican Fruit Cups

In Texas you will come across Fruterias. Fruterias are like fruit or juice bars where they sell all sorts of Mexican fruit snacks such as smoothies, raw juice, ice cream, and so much more. Some locations even sell fresh produce. One day, a good friend introduced me to the Mexican fruit cup from a place called Fruteria Cano. I was so ready to try this fruit cup once my friend hyped me up about it. It sounded so refreshing and healthy on top of it all. It was a win-win for me with it checking out with my food guiding principles! Guys, I had no idea what I was about to experience. 

3. My Reaction and Review of My Mexican Fruit Cup

My container was super packed with huge watermelon, pineapples, and jicama cube like chunks. The fruit was coated with a semi-thick layer of reddish seasoning – the chili lime seasoning. I am not sure if the juice at the bottom was from Chamoy sauce or just the juice from the fruit mixed with the seasoning. I am not sure if my fruit had the Chamoy sauce. My friend wasn’t sure either. I do not know how Chamoy tastes so I wouldn’t have known anyway. The aroma from the fruit was fresh and strong, especially the watermelon and pineapples. The aroma from the seasoning had a bite to it. It was sharp and intriguing. 

I took a bite of the watermelon. Pow! My eyes widened and my lips puckered. My mouth was full of crunchy, juicy, and flavor-FULL watermelon which is exactly what I love. But the seasoning took me for a quick joy ride. My brain literally took a minute to process what was going on with my mouth. I then ate a huge chunk of pineapple. It was so sweet and juicy. My goodness. I’m thinking how they make the fruit so delicious because I know they didn’t make the fruit lol. Lastly, I tried the jicama. Now I never heard of or had jicama ever in my life. The jicama was crisp, crunchy, and flavorless. It needed all of the seasoning it could get haha. It reminded me of a pear and potato when it comes to texture but completely flavorless in my opinion. I could not discern the flavor. 

I had a look of amazement the entire time while eating this fruit salad. I kept going back for more. The jicama was my least favorite. It was not too bad but it is not my preference for a fruit salad. But I ate it because I looked up the health benefits real quick and I am like oh yeah. It’s almost like a superfood. More on jicama at later time.

Overall, I enjoyed this simple yet unique experience. It was awesome to try something new. My rating is 3/5 because of the heavy seasoning and jicama.

4. Next steps

I am so excited to try making Mexican fruit cups on my own. It is too easy and quick to not try. Plus it’s super healthy and refreshing. What I would do differently is squeeze lime juice over the fruit and lightly sprinkle on various spices and fresh herbs. I have three fruit (and vegetable) combinations I want to experiment with first. Ooo I am so excited. 

  1. Mango, pineapples, and strawberries (with lime juice, mint, and possibly cinnamon hmmm)
  2. Cucumber, pineapples, and strawberries (with lime juice, basil, and possibly ginger)
  3. Watermelon, honey dew, and papaya (with lime juice, cilantro, and possibly chili powder or cayenne pepper)

Until Next Time

Well, what do you think? Would you try the Mexican fruit cup? If so, what fruit combinations would you try? Do you think this is a fun way to eat fruit? Please drop a comment below or email me. I would love to hear your feedback and/or stories. If you are not big on eating fruit by itself and would rather have it in a smoothie but need some smoothie ideas, then check out these delicious smoothie ideas here.

Well, I will take my leave for now. I look forward to our time together again soon. Be inspired to have an appetite to Live and Live well.


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