The Only Best Vegan Cream Cheese Frosting is Homemade

Ola my friend! I truly believe that the only best vegan cream cheese frosting is the one you make at home. If you are a fan of cream cheese frosting then you will return to thank me after trying this version. The sweetness is perfection. The texture is so silky and creamy yet firm which is satisfying. I am hooked for life. There is another version that I am working on that I hope to share in the future.

This particular vegan cream cheese frosting was inspired by my strong desire to have have cream cheese for my homemade vegan brownies. I used Jessica in the Kitchen’s Vegan Cream Cheese Frosting recipe as a base and made a few modifications. I used smaller portions of everything, maple syrup instead of powdered sugar and wheat flour instead of corn starch.

Are you ready for the best vegan cream cheese journey? Let’s go!

Best Vegan Cream Cheese Frosting Ingredients & Prep

  • Plant Based Cream Cheese
  • 100% Organic Winter Wheat Flour
  • 100% Maple Syrup
  • 1OO% Vanilla Extract
  • Plant Butter
  1. Add all ingredients to a bowl in no particular order
  2. Stir until well mixed
  3. Allow to sit in the fridge for at least 15 minutes to stiffen a little
  4. Pour or spread on dessert i.e. brownies, carrot cake etc.


  • Feel free to add ingredients based on your taste buds. Taste it and add what you think is needed as you stir the ingredients together.
  • Leave in fridge for longer than 15 minutes if you want the frosting to be more firm.
  • 100% maple syrup is so awesome. It is a wonderful contributor to the overall texture and enhances the flavor nicely.

Best Vegan Cream Cheese Frosting Gallery

Until Next Time

Well, what do you think? This frosting taste so good. It only takes 5 ingredients and 5 minutes to prepare. I love it so much. Would you agree that the only best vegan cream cheese frosting is homemade? Please drop a comment below or email me. I would love to hear your feedback and/or stories. If you are desiring another delicious and simple vegan dessert then check out these yummy vegan peanut butter cookies. You will only need 4 ingredients! Wow!!

Well, I will take my leave for now. I look forward to our time together again soon. Be inspired to have an appetite to Live and Live well.


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