The Best Vegan Tomato Lentil Soup for All Seasons

Ola my friend! I woke up at 3 am eating large tablespoons of this vegan tomato lentil soup. There is something addictive about this soup! One day tomatoes and lentils popped in my mind. I was unsure of how a lentil soup with tomato flavor would turn out. I had black kale at the time that I wanted to use immediately. So, I decided to give the tomato lentil soup a try with black kale. The tomato lentil soup turned out to be a huge success. The black kale boosted the flavor to another level in my humble opinion.

If you give this tomato lentil soup a try, I promise your body will be so happy and cooperative. It is something settling and tranquil about this soup. It is warming for the cold winter months, soothing for the hot summer months and perfect for all the months in between. Ready to learn first hand about the power of lentils? Let’s go!

Tomato Lentil Soup Ingredients & Prep

  • 1 lb Green lentils
  • 1 large Yellow Onion
  • 3 large Carrots
  • 1 Can of Tomato Paste (6 oz)
  • 1 small bunch of Black Kale
  1. Rinse lentils in cool water and drain.
  2. Chop up carrots, onions and black kale into bite size pieces.
  3. Add lentils, carrots, onions, black kale and tomato paste to crock pot.
  4. Add all seasonings to taste.
  5. Pour water to cover all ingredients.
  6. Select the beans/chili setting with high pressure on the crock pot.
  7. Serve yourself a nice large bowl of tomato lentil soup and enjoy.


  • Using both Himalayan pink and Himalayan black salt is always fun for this dish … just a little of each.
  • Always feel free to adjust the measurements and quantities of the ingredients per your preferences and dietary goals.
  • Use tomato paste that does not have any sugar or sodium for best results.
  • Ground black pepper may do well with this soup but ground white pepper is preferred.

Tomato Lentil Soup Gallery

Health Benefits

Here are my favorite for green lentils:

  • Amazing source of fiber so it is a natural digestive super hero (no constipation here!)
  • Excellent source of protein; especially eaten with a whole grains (a vegan’s best friend ❤️)
  • You feel so satisfied and full that you eat less for long periods of time (weight loss is inevitable)
  • Strong protector against diabetes and so much more …

Read more details here and here.

Here are my favorite for black kale aka “Cavolo nero”:

  • Superior Cognitive Support (the high presence of Vitamin C and phytochemicals like lutein definitely plays a role here)
  • Prevents blood clots (due to high concentration of Vitamin K)
  • Heroic Cancer Fighter (thanks to the plentiful glucosinolates)
  • Loads and loads of powerful antioxidants (deletes free radicals which causes damage to your body at the cellular level)

Read more details here and here.

Until Next Time

Well, what do you think of the tomato lentil soup? How did you like it? The black kale and the tomato paste were the wow factors for me. The black kale was so tender and juicy. The soup’s broth was so savory. You are in danger of being obsessed with this soup … you have been warned. 😅

Please drop a comment below or email me. I would love to hear your feedback and/or stories. If you are curious about going vegan and what you can expect, then check out my list of 8 Amazing Things Happened Going Vegan & Pescatarian for 8 Months.

Well, I will take my leave for now. I look forward to our time together again soon. Be inspired to have an appetite to Live and Live well.


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