Remarkably Easy & Fast Vegetarian Brown Rice Bowl

vegetarian brown rice bowl with egg for protein

Ola my friend, if you are hungry then make this quick vegetarian brown rice bowl. I was hungry one day and wanted something quick! At the time all I had for something quick was eggs, brown rice, onion and spinach … viola vegetarian brown rice bowl. Now I ended up using the microwave because I wanted something quick but I prefer to stir fry my rice bowls in my faithful wok. Stay tuned for future posts on my stir fried rice bowls!

Well, the goal was to address my hunger with something healthy, satisfying and filling. Goal accomplished with this one. If you are in a bind and want something quick then you will enjoy this quick healthy rice bowl. It was so delicious!

Vegetarian Brown Rice Bowl: Ingredients

  • Boiled Egg
  • Brown Rice
  • Yellow Onion
  • Frozen Spinach
  • Sriracha Sauce
  • Pink Himalayan Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Garlic Powder
  • Plant Butter

Vegetarian Brown Rice Bowl: Prep and Results

I added maybe 2 cups of brown rice and distilled water that covered the rice to my crockpot. I selected the rice and high pressure settings on my beloved crockpot to cook the rice. The rice was ready in 12 minutes. I boiled the egg for about 10 minutes. Then I heated up the frozen spinach in the microwave in the bowl I will use for my rice bowl.

Once ready I put several slices of onion and scoops of rice on top of the spinach in my bowl. I then added a little butter, sprinkled the Himalayan salt and garlic powder, and stirred the contents in the bowl. Lastly, I sprinkled black pepper and added a few squirts of sriracha sauce.

When I tell you this is good. It is so good. Buttery, garlic infused, slightly spicy rice with a little boiled egg for protein and then a spinach for green color and iron boost and other benefits … Yes you cannot go wrong with this delicious meal. Again this is remotely good from the stir fried version … omgoodness … too good. I always have my cool glass of distilled water with lemon, lime and cucumbers if I have it. This time, I had lemons and cucumbers. So so good and refreshing.

Until Next Time

If you have these ingredients and need something quick then you will not be disappointed. It is healthy, fulfilling and so tasty.

I like to eat with my chopsticks so that I can take my time and savor every bite lol. My international friends inspired me to make rice bowls and eat with chop sticks. Feel free eat to eat with your eating utensil of choice. More posts to come on more rice bowl versions soon. In the meantime, check out this colorful red kale salad recipe!

Well, I will take my leave for now. I look forward to our time together again soon. Be inspired to have an appetite to live and live well.


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