Happy New Year 2024 Vitality Acceptance and Affirmations

Ola my friend! Happy New Year 2024! It seems like 2023 went by so quickly. Nevertheless, I am happy we all were blessed to see a new year. 2024 will be a fulfilling and prosperous year.

This year, I encourage you to be more present and live one day at a time. Many find themselves living in the past or in the future and only get a glimpse of the present. The present is truly a gift from above. It is good to be at peace with your past. It is wise to prepare for the future. However, living in the present is the most important because it significantly impacts your past and future.

Food Related New Years Resolutions?

Many people start the year with new year resolutions and smart goals. This is good. However, I want to encourage you to vividly visualize what you desire. Most importantly visualize how you will enjoy the journey to your destination. The purpose for doing this is to help build endurance and lay the foundation for faithfulness to your work.

With that being said, many of you have aspirations this year relating to food. Some of you are working onplanning to … desiring to lose weight, lose your belly, get in shape, have a healthier relationship with food, eat better, tone up, (you fill in the blank ____). I would love to help you not only achieve your desires but also enjoy the journey along the way. To help you, I have designed a two-step game plan.

Game Plan Step 1: Acceptance

The first step to reaching your desired destination is acceptance. Acceptance is when you lay out the facts and then simply say, “Accepted” or “I accept”. Here are examples of acceptance.

I love foodAccepted
I weigh __ poundsAccepted
I prefer what is convenient
over what my body needs

Game Plan Step 2: Affirmations

The second step to reaching your desired destination in this game plan is affirmation exhibition. I have compiled a list of 52 health, wellness, and vitality related affirmations for you to use. Reading, speaking out loud, and thinking about these affirmations will help you retain an elevated mindset while you work towards your goals. Feel free to share as many as you like.

  1. I love veggies.
  2. I have inexhaustible energy.
  3. I eat to live life to the fullest.
  4. Eating healthy is so worth it.
  5. Prevention over cure is my priority.
  6. Eating healthy is not a punishment.
  7. I have an appetite to live and eat well.
  8. Eating leafy greens is my superpower.
  9. My body is a temple. I eat accordingly.
  10. Eating healthy is worth all of the benefits.
  11. I will avoid mindless consumption of food.
  12. My body deserves quality nourishing food.
  13. My vision is better health over convenience.
  14. I take full responsibility for my eating habits.
  15. I am pursuing a healthy relationship with food.
  16. I love to keep it natural when it comes to food.
  17. I love my body and my body responds in kind.
  18. I practice eating discipline for my body’s sake.
  19. I will maintain an healthy relationship with food.
  20. I am what I eat, when I eat, and how much I eat.
  21. Eating healthier is a privilege, not a punishment.
  22. Energy comes to me frequently and in abundance.
  23. My body responds wonderfully to nourishing food.
  24. I will avoid starting unhealthy eating patterns/trends.
  25. I am enjoying the journey to becoming a healthier me.
  26. Letting my body rest is a responsibility I take seriously.
  27. I will not compare my healthier eating journey to others.
  28. I am clear on my boundaries with eating unhealthy foods.
  29. Taking care of my body (my temple) comes naturally to me.
  30. I trust the process of staying committed to eating healthier.
  31. I am inspired to Live and Live well by eating healthier foods.
  32. I nourish my body and mind with nutritious foods and drinks.
  33. Managing my energy wisely and tenderly comes naturally for me.
  34. My body communicate it’s needs. I listen and respond accordingly.
  35. I am grateful for how far I have come in my eating healthier journey.
  36. I am tunnel vision focused on my health, wellness, and vitality goals.
  37. I understand that I only get one body so I care for my body diligently.
  38. I prioritize eating healthy over eating what is unhealthy but convenient.
  39. I have a strong appetite for foods that gives me great and lasting vitality.
  40. I’d rather choose to eat healthy instead of having no choice to eat healthy.
  41. I am radically content with eating the quality foods my body was designed for.
  42. I am full of energy thanks to the highly nutritious foods I eat on a regular basis.
  43. I will be kind and understanding in my response to what my body shares with me.
  44. I embrace all of the challenges that comes with eating healthier because it is worth it.
  45. I cooperate with my body by eating healthy foods to best support my overall wellness.
  46. I do not treat my car (or any other possession for that matter) better than I do my body.
  47. I am the King’s daughter. I don’t treat my body disrespectfully by eating any and everything.
  48. I am driven in a healthy way to attain my eating healthy goals this year without anxiety and stress.
  49. I am not afraid of the commitment required to lead a healthier lifestyle by choosing to eat healthier.
  50. I faithfully support my body’s healing hours by not eating heavy at least 2-3 hours before going to bed.
  51. I give myself some time to regroup when I get off track from health goals and then I jump right back in.
  52. I have courage to start eating healthier today and build momentum by being consistent with eating nutritious foods.

Until Next Time

Well, what do you think? Ready to take 2024 on one day at a time? Please drop a comment below or email me. I would love to hear your feedback and/or stories of how this 2-step game plan supported you this year. If you’re interested in coming up with your own list of eating healthier guiding principles and want some thought starters then check out AdaezeEats Manifesto here.

Well, I will take my leave for now. I look forward to our time together again soon. Be inspired to have an appetite to Live and Live well.


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