Easy Crispy Plantain Recipe For Crazy Addiction to Chips

plantain recipe plantain chips

Ola my friend! Are potato chips addictive to you or is it just me? I love potato chips very much which is the motivation behind this easy plantain recipe. In fact, I had a strange addiction specifically for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos growing up. Flamin’ Hot Cheetos was my number one choice for chips. One day my stomach refused to tolerate these chips any longer. I will share that story at a later time.

Giving up the Flamin Hot Cheetos, I quickly found suitable replacements in other chips. For example, Better Made chips, Sunchips, Lays, Pringles. I stopped eating these chips as well because of the amount of sodium. Finally, I switched to Clancy’s Original Kettle Chips from Aldi. They are so delicious and low in sodium. However, I have limited my consumption of these as well because they are quite addictive and only provide fats and carbs.

The solution to satisfy my craving for chips were homemade plantain chips. This plantain chips recipe is easy, fast, and extremely Cheap. You can have a full bowl of crispy plantain chips for less than $1.

plantain recipe plantain chipsplantain recipe plantain chips

Easy Plantain Recipe: Plantain Chips

  1. Take one green plantain and slice in half widthwise. I prefer green plantains because they are lower in sugar content and firm allowing the chips to be the perfect crispiness when baked.
  2. Remove the plantain’s outer layer / skin. I use a knife to slit the skin one side and then remove with your hand.
  3. Cut the plantain into thin slices. I love to slice widthwise as well to have more of the chip feel.
  4. Massage the plantain slices with 100% olive oil and place in a bowl.
  5. Sprinkle Pink Hamalayan salt. I like to use Himalayan Black Salt and sometimes Valentina Seasoning which only consists of chili powder, salt and lemon juice. The Valentina Seasoning gives a nice flavor and an extremely mild spicy kick.
  6. Place the plantain slices on a pan and put in the oven on 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes or until golden brown. You can test one chip in the center of the pan by breaking it in half to determine if it is crispy enough.

Easy Plantain Recipe Gallery

Where You Can Buy Plantains

Plantains are not a native food eaten in the West of the World. You can find plantain as a normal side dish mostly in Africa, the Caribbean, Central America, South America, and Asia. Plantains are typically sold year round at local grocery stores especially dedicated fruit and vegetable markets. Big retail stores (i.e. Walmart, Kroger, Target) may carry plantains also. Plantains are generally very affordable at any location.

Plantain Health Benefits

There are many benefits to eating plantains. I didn’t know that plantains had more potassium than bananas or that it’s a resistant starch that goes straight to the large intestines feeding the good gut bacteria or that it’s glycemic index is in the 40s making it a excellent food choice for people with diabetes. It greatly support your digestive health and blood pressure. You can read more details here. I am also learning how beneficial plantain peels are for your skin and hair. Very cool!

Until Next Time

This plantain recipe is so fun to do. I actually prefer my plantain chips over the plantain chips I get from Trader Joes every once in a while. I do not mind the extra effort because I value knowing that I purchased a raw plantain, cut it up, and baked it myself. Simple, easy and fast. The best part is it cost me less than $1 every time.

What do you think? Do you think it is worth a try? Please let me know if you try this plantain recipe and how you like it or don’t like it. Are there any seasoning flavors you are willing to try or recommend to tailor these plantain chips more to what you are used to eating when eating regular potato chips? Leave a comment or email me directly because I would love to hear your feedback or story. Also, if you are looking for some vegan cheese brands you can trust or just curious about then check out a short list of brands I recommend here.

Well, I will take my leave for now. I look forward to our time together again soon. Be inspired to have an appetite to Live and Live well.


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