Beautiful Christmas Dinner Prayers to Share With Your Family

Ola my friend! Merry Christmas 2023! This season is a special time of celebration of the greatest gift from the greatest giver. I do not know when exactly Jesus was born but I celebrate his birth. And I believe in taking full advantage of the time off lol. Some of the best ways to celebrate during this season is with delicious food and fellowship. Whether you are having a traditional Christmas dinner with all of the fixings or you are taking a more creative approach, these Christmas dinner prayers and blessings are perfect to share with your family and friends.


Dear Heavenly Father,

You are good. Thank you for your abundant grace and your generous gift to mankind in the person of Jesus Christ. Please bless this delicious Christmas dinner we have prepared and the fellowship. May you bless our feast of charity. Thank you for family, friends, and loved ones to share this special celebratory time. Bless everyone in a exceptional way.

In Jesus name, Amen.


Dear Heavenly Father,

You have done all things well. Thank you for blessing me and everyone connected to me with robust health. Thank you for blessing us with excellent vitality. I am grateful for a good appetite and the ability to enjoy this delightful Christmas dinner. May you bless this food to be nourishment to our bodies. May you bless those in need with tasty food to enjoy and also the peace and joy to enjoy it to the fullest.

In Jesus name, Amen.

CHRISTMAS – Relaxing

O Loving Father,

There is no one like you. Thank you for this beautiful opportunity to celebrate your generous gift. May you bless this Christmas dinner we are prepared to receive to be a peaceful and relaxing event. Fill our hearts with love and bountifulness as we fill our stomachs with wholesome foods. Bless the people connected to us with amazing rest as they enjoy this Christmas season.

In Jesus name, Amen.

CHRISTMAS – Inspiration

Dear God,

Your ways are past finding out. Thank you for the inspiration that this holiday season faithfully brings. May you bless this food we are about to receive with all gratitude. Continue to inspire our hearts and give us insight on how to share the light of Christmas to everyone we interact with. May you bless those in need with food that they need and desire.

In Jesus name, Amen.

CHRISTMAS – Sustenance

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are our daily bread. Thank you for your superabundant blessings. May you bless our Christmas dinner in a special way. Remove every offense. Bless every bite to be healing nourishment for our bodies. Sustain us. May we honor you as we share this special meal in celebration of your unbeatable generosity.

In Jesus name, Amen.

CHRISTMAS – Thanksgiving

O Heavenly Father,

You are the God of all comfort. With thanksgiving, we pray that you bless this Christmas dinner to be one to remember. May we pay forward your liberality and grace as we gather together to share an extremely satisfying meal. Be with those who may be having dinner without their closest loved ones for the first time. Bless them with great contentment.

In Jesus name, Amen.


Dear God,

You are a wonderful way maker. Thank you for the means to buy quality food for a highly gratifying Christmas dinner. Continue to bless us with the money we need and desire as well as the wisdom to steward the resources you gifted us. Bless us to benevolent givers during this season especially to those who you place on our heart and are in need. Bless us with food we that we need and desire in the future.

In Jesus name, Amen.

CHRISTMAS – Abundance

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are inexhaustible. Thank you for significant abundance in our lives. Please bless for our Christmas dinner to be a rich blessing to our bodies, mind, and soul. May the abundance in our lives overflow into the lives of everyone we meet and connect with. Bless others with quality and delicious food that they need and desire in great abundance. Not to the point of waste but satisfaction as you do so well.

In Jesus name, Amen.

CHRISTMAS – Satisfaction

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are sovereign. What a wonderful blessing to celebrate you giving the greatest gift to the world! Thank you for this opportunity to celebrate in peace and great satisfaction. We want for nothing. Bless this Christmas dinner we are ready to receive. Bless the hands that contributed to the food getting from it’s source to our table. May you continue to satisfy our bodies and minds with good things. Bless those that are without food with miracle food and meals that they deeply desire.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Until Next Time

Well, what do you think? May you and your loved ones bask in the overflow of peace, good health, joy, love and wholesome nourishing food this Christmas season. Which of these Christmas dinner prayers served you best/most? Please drop a comment below or email me. I would love to hear your feedback and/or stories. If you need healthy holiday tips then check out this Healthy Thanksgiving Tips for the best Holiday post. You will find them useful for any holiday season, including the Christmas season.

Well, I will take my leave for now. I look forward to our time together again soon. Be inspired to have an appetite to Live and Live well.


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