How To Lose Weight Super Fast: Stop Eating These 8 Ultra Processed Foods

Ola my friend! Have you ever wondered how you could lose weight fast? I know most if not all of you have at some point in time. One of the fastest way to lose weight and keep it off is to stop eating ultra processed foods. This is how you stay slim, trim, happy, and completely satisfied.

In this post, I’m going to share 8 ultra processed foods to stop eating immediately. I know without a doubt that you will lose weight fast.

Fast Food

Fast food is void of nutrients necessary for your body and health. And it is full of all of the calories, salt, and sugar unnecessary for your body and health. I am talking about restaurants like McDonalds, Subway, Popeyes, Wendy’s, Church’s Chicken, KFC, Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, etc. There are too many fast food spots to list here. Fast food is fast for a reason. There’s usually loads and loads of sodium and who knows what else in the food.

Eating fast food would have me feeling sluggish with an headache and craving more in a couple of hours, planning how soon I would pay my next visit. I used to love Popeyes and Subway. The Popeyes biscuit, red beans and rice, and a couple of fried chicken breasts would have me so happy and swollen from all the salt. There is no telling how stressed out my arteries were. A footlong from Subway was another one of my go-tos. Read my Subway addiction story here.

Eliminate fast food from your eating habits and you will to weight fast and keep it off.

Deli Meat

Deli meat, luncheon meat, cold cuts, hot dogs, sausages, etc. are ultra processed meats that causes major weight gain. How do I know? Once I stopped eating these types of meats, I immediately started losing weight. A lot of the weight was water weight because of the all of the sodium in the meat. Deli meat have a lot of sodium.

Be sure to check out the ingredients and the nutrient profile when you go to the grocery store. You would be surprised. It is just too much sodium, preservatives, and unhealthy fats, in one serving which is usually a quarter of one slice of meat. I jest, but seriously there are too many fresh meat (unprocessed meat) options to waste time and money on deli meat.

Speaking of fresh meat, have you tried birria tacos before? Omgoodness . . . read here to learn about this amazing food.


Do you want to lose weight fast? Stop eating packaged chips and crackers. I’m talking about chips like Doritos, Cheetos, Fritos, Funyuns, Chester’s Hot Fries, Takis, CheezIT, etc. I used to be addicted to Flamin Hot Cheetos. One day my body rejected them and I said ok and took a break. I tried again later and I got sick.

Read the ingredients on the back of these chip bags and cracker boxes. The first issue is the amount of sodium in one serving. The second issue is all of the artificial colors: red 40 lake, yellow 6 lake, yellow 5. There’s a lot more issues but let me get back on topic.

My back and stomach flab came from eating these kinds of chips. Now there are packaged chips that you can enjoy. Just look for chips that have 150 mg of sodium or less per serving, you can pronounce the ingredients, and the list of ingredients are short (unless it is longer due to seasonings).

Every now and then, I grab Late July’s Jalapeno Lime Tortilla Chips or Garden of Eatin’ Red Hot Blues Tortilla Chips. Otherwise, I am making my own stovetop popcorn, plantain chips, or tortilla chips.

Baked Good Snacks

So Little Debbie bake goods are trending. My mind goes back to buying the delicious chocolate fudge brownie and oatmeal cream pie for .25 cents. That was a long time ago. They were the perfect snack to go with my salty chips and brisk ice tea.

These packaged cookies, brownies, cakes, etc. will satisfy your sweet tooth for a second and then you will be going back to get more. That’s the issue. You can’t just eat one. Too much sugar and ingredients that are helping you gain weight. Give up the packaged baked goods and shed weight like you are on a diet that works.


This is a big one. Condiments like salad dressings and bbq sauces. Thank goodness mustard is safe. But check out the ingredients and nutrition profile on the label of these condiments. There’s simply too much sodium and ingredients that doesn’t make sense for your body.

You are better off making your own dressings from scratch. I remember looking for bbq sauce in the store and could not find one “safe” enough so I made my own and it was so good. Here’s how I made it.

Frozen Foods/Meals

Frozen pizzas, “TV dinners”, pot pies, you name it. If you only realized how much sodium was in most of these frozen food products. I loved this frozen vegan pizza. Just because it’s vegan doesn’t make it healthy. The price went up to some laughable amount and it really helped me let go for good. However, the sodium was too high and there were too many ingredients to make this pizza vegan. I digressed.

At some point you have to choose your hurt: taking time to prep a home cooked meals controlling the ingredients and and quantity used or convenient frozen food meals and high blood pressure pills. Choose your hurt. Try backing off of the frozen foods for a while and watch your weight drop fast.


What is not to love about candy? Candy is so good that it keeps you coming back for more. And this is the issue. Too much sugar and calories hinders weight loss. The sugar content and artificial ingredients or bioengineered ingredients does not help you lose weight. They help you gain weight. You don’t feel like doing any physical activity after eating candy. You have unfocused energy for a short-time and then you are exhausted.

When I replaced candy with natural sweets, I had sustainable energy and was satisfied longer, free from any cravings. Of course, I lost weight and kept it off.

Soda Pop and Sugary Drinks

Soda pop isn’t a food but this beverage is so full of sugar it is considered junk food and ultra processed foods. Pop as well as sugary juices and drinks are extremely harmful for your body and overall health. Truly understanding the amount of sugar would make your head hurt and your body cringe.

You can do a web search on the studies showing a connection between drinking pop and gaining weight. I slimmed down once I gave up the pop and sugary drinks. Water, tea, 100% juice is all I desire and I’m satiated.

Until Next Time

Well, what do you think? What does your ultra processed food eating habits look like? Please drop a comment below or email me. I would love to hear your feedback and/or stories. Take baby steps and educate yourself on the impact ultra processed foods have on your body. Remember you only get one body so take good care of it and it will take care of you. The sooner you stop eating ultra processed foods, the better. If you need help with your “No Refined Sugar Week” then check out these 5 Amazing Sweeteners you can enjoy instead of ultra-processed sugar.

Well, I will take my leave for now. I look forward to our time together again soon. Be inspired to have an appetite to Live and Live well.


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