

Hi, I am Adaeze! Welcome to AdaezeEats where I share my journey to developing a healthy relationship with food. Challenging myself to make the healthy version of the foods I love is exciting. I also love discovering new dishes and putting my twist on it.

I prefer homemade everything because I can control the ingredients and adjust meals to my preferences and dietary goals. I want to always have dietary goals over dietary needs.

My Story

I used to suffer from unexplainable constant swelling in my hands and my feet. My hands would be red and puffy catching the attention of people who would inquire about the redness. My sodium and sugar intake were high. I did not pay attention to the amount of sodium and sugar I was consuming. Also I was eating way too much but never feeling satisfied.

The blood work from my health physical checkups always came back positive with mostly excellent levels across the board. Surprisingly, it wasn’t easy to pinpoint the issue.

My Commitment

My healthy relationship with food journey started in 2019. Since eating mainly a vegan diet majority of the time, I am happy to say that I have not had any swelling issues! Also I am satisfied and full longer than ever.

I will be kind to myself and feel great from the inside out by eating well. I am committed to sharing my experiences and what I learn to encourage you to explore amazing and healthy foods for your body.

Check out my manifesto of food guiding principles. Adopt as many as you want and move forward in the right direction!

I am fascinated with the body and how it responds to the food we eat. My vision is better health over convenience.

Be inspired to have an appetite to LIVE and LIVE WELL!

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