I Cut Out Ultra-Processed Sugar For These 5 Amazing Sugars

Ola my friend! Let’s get right to the point. Sugar consumption is a huge problem in many people’s lives. I personally had a real sugar addiction at a period in my life. You can read a little about it here. Once I said NO to ultra-processed sugar, my life has been changed for the better. I no longer feel unproductively over stimulated only to crash and feel like an icky sack of potatoes.

Not only did I give up white table sugar, I also cut all artificial sugars. I also side eye sugar alcohols if I ever see it on a food or drink label. Since I’ve been eating more fresh fruits and veggies and cooking from scratch more, I buy few products that require me to check the label.

In this post, I’m going to share my 5 amazing go-to sugars instead of ultra-processed sugar and a couple of stories. But first a few definitions.


Ultra-Processed Sugars

Highly refined sugars from milling, affination, carbonation, and decolourization. (source)

Examples include:

  • White Table Sugar
  • Brown Sugar

Artificial Sugars

Low or zero calorie synthetic (fake) chemical sweeteners.

Examples include (approved by the FDA):

  • Aspartame
  • Sucralose
  • Neotame
  • Acesulfame potassium
  • Advantame
  • Saccharin

Minimally Processed Sugars

Unrefined natural sweeteners with very minimum processing.

Examples include:

  • 100% Maple Syrup
  • Jaggery
  • Coconut Palm Sugar
  • Date Sugar
  • Monk Fruit Sweetener
  • Agave
  • 100% Juice
  • Green Leaf Stevia
  • Beet Sugar
  • Molasses
  • Cane Sugar

Unprocessed Sugars

raw and natural state sugar (sweet-tasting chemical sucrose) sources.

Examples include:

  • Raw Sugar Cane
  • Raw Honey
  • Fresh Fruits (e.g. apples, pineapples, grapes, bananas, etc.)
  • Fresh Vegetables (e.g. tomatoes, peas, plantains, etc.)

My 5 Amazing Go-To Sugars

1. Fresh Fruit

2. 100% Maple Syrup

3. Raw Honey (during my non-vegan seasons)

4. Coconut Sugar

5. 100% Fruit Juice

Aspartame Story

So it is obvious why I say no to white table sugar. But here is why I say NO to artificial sugars.

Around 2020, I cut off all added sugar. I would every now and then purchase Sparkling Flavored Water from Aldi. The label said ‘0’ for sugar so I am like awesome! My body rejected it. First, it was too sweet. Then there was a lingering unpleasant aftertaste. My stomach wasn’t protesting as much as my mouth and brain but there was some discomfort. This was the case for all the “zero calorie” and “zero sugar” sparkling waters I would get from Sam’s club and Kroger.

I noticed that aspartame was listed as one of the top ingredients. When I looked it up, I immediately knew that I would not go back to drinking those sparkling water. It’s synthetic and my body did NOT like it.

Sucralose Story

In 2023, I tried this “zero sugar” bbq sauce. I had a strong desire for some bbq to go on my fried chicken. Yes, I had a moment of relaxing my manifesto for a bit . . . but I’m over it now. Anyway, the bbq sauce was hitting the spot for a minute until a little time passed and my stomach started hurting. The bbq sauce started hitting the wrong spot. I looked at the label and noticed sucralose listed at the end of the ingredient list. When I looked sucralose up, it’s as if my stomach was saying “see, told you something wasn’t right”.

Sucralose is a artificial sweetener. It also left an undesirable aftertaste. My stomach just wouldn’t take it. And I’m glad I listened to my body. I’d rather make my own bbq sauce. If you need a good one then check out this delicious and simple bbq recipe.

Until Next Time

Well, what do you think? Sugar is a natural reward for our body. At least our bodies recognize it as so. It creates dopamine that gives us high energy, stimulation, and motivation. However, excess sugar is literally deadly. Have you decided to quit ultra-processed sugar? If so, what sugar alternatives do you now eat? I am so curious. Please drop a comment below or email me. I would love to hear your feedback and/or stories. Instead of soda, try this refreshing and bold carbonated watermelon lime drink.

Well, I will take my leave for now. I look forward to our time together again soon. Be inspired to have an appetite to Live and Live well.


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