
AdaezeEats Food Guiding Principles

Disclaimer: These are my personal food guiding principles and are subject to change over time.

  • Drink water as much as possible (goal: listen to my body and stay hydrated min 8 – 8 oz cups of water per day)
  • Eat mainly fresh (unprocessed) fruits (including nuts), vegetables (including legumes), super foods weekly
  • Water over 100% Juice
  • Plant based dairy over dairy (minimally processed and low / no sodium or sugar)
  • Home cooked meals over restaurant food
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables over canned or frozen fruit and vegetables
  • Homemade snacks over store-bought snacks
  • Fresh fruits (including nuts), vegetables (including legumes), super foods, and other natural alternatives over pill form vitamins and medications
  • No fast food
  • No snacks with added sugar
  • No soda pop or sugary drinks
  • No salt except for Himalayan pink / black salt in moderation
  • No sugar except for coconut sugar, date sugar, 100% maple syrup, honey (during my non-vegan seasons), brown rice syrup
  • No candy except for ones with no added sugar and all natural ingredients
  • No ultra-processed foods except for plant based products with clean understandable ingredients and low / no sodium or sugar
  • No meat outside of salmon & goat meat except for the holidays at the end / beginning of the year (i.e. turkey, beef but never pork)
  • No chips except for Late July brand or chips with sodium less than 100-150 mg per serving, the sugar is 0, and the ingredient count is less than 4 or the ingredients are all understandable
  • No foods with artificial synthetic ingredients
  • 100% Juice with no added sugar
  • Few and far in between organic eggs
  • Restaurant food (stick to manifesto) only during outings w/ friends & family as required

“My vision is better health over convenience. Have an appetite to Live and Live Well.”

— Adaeze, Founder of AdaezeEats

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