Surprisingly the Best Watermelon Lime Drink Ever

Ola my friend! You will fall in love with this watermelon lime drink. This drink is infused with watermelon, lime, thyme and lavender. It is so refreshing until you WILL want to drink it all at one time. However, it is also bursting with a delicious bold flavor that you WILL want to sip only a little bit by little bit to not rush the experience. This drink had me floored in a positive way. I didn’t know what to do besides share how good it is. Ready for a refreshing and bold drink idea? Let’s Go!

Watermelon Lime Drink Ingredients and Prep

  • Watermelon
  • Thyme
  • Lavender
  • Lime
  • Sparkling water (unsweetened)
  • 100% Apple Juice
  1. Add two small / medium chunks of sweet watermelon, two sprigs of thyme, one small lavender sprig and two thick slices of lime to a cup.
  2. Pour the unsweetened sparkling water into cup about one-third to the top
  3. Pour in the 100% apple juice until the cup is filled.
  4. Allow to sit for about 5 minutes to infuse and enjoy.


  • A glass cup is preferred for this drink
  • Make sure to get unsweetened sparkling water i.e. no aspartame (artificial sugar) … get nothing but filtered carbonated water and natural flavor
  • Feel free to use seeded or seedless watermelon for this drink
  • You can stir this drink if you desire but be sure to give it at least 5 minutes to infuse.

Watermelon Lime Drink Gallery

Watermelon Health Benefits

Some of my favorites for watermelon:

  • one of the best hydrators on the planet
  • fights cancer and diabetes thanks to being loaded with the antioxidant lycopene
  • improves heart health thanks to the amino acid citrulline
  • although it is sweet, it does not spike your blood sugar thanks to the low glycemic index and glycemic load
  • an amazing digestion supporter thanks to the high water content combined with the fiber content

Read more details here and here.

Until Next Time

Well, what do you think? Are you going to give this drink a try? I was thinking I will add basil leaves next time to experiment a little with the flavor? Is there any ingredient you would change? Please drop a comment below or email me. I would love to hear your feedback and/or stories. This drink takes my mind back to the drinks I had in Montreal. Read more about that here. Soooo good.

Well, I will take my leave for now. I look forward to our time together again soon. Be inspired to have an appetite to Live and Live well.


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