What Happens When Immediately Drinking Water After Waking Up

Ola my friend! Do you drink water as soon as you wake up from sleep in the morning? My relationship with water is now headed in the right direction. In the past, I didn’t take drinking water seriously as I do now. I definitely did not hydrate properly. Today, I drink water when I am thirsty. I also prefer water over drinking anything else. If I visit a restaurant, I only get water. This helps me a great deal. I don’t force myself to drink a certain amount every day but I like to incorporate drinking water in simple ways as consistently as possible. For example, a friend told me about drinking water after waking up and it has changed my life for the better!

Here are some of the amazing things you can look forward to when drinking water as soon as you wake up. This list is from my personal experience and you will most likely experience the same.

#1 | Drinking Water After Waking Up Is A Great Supporter of Digestive Health

This was the biggest discovery for me. When I started drinking water first thing after waking up in the morning, I noticed that I would have a wonderful bowel movement. This is very important because many people deal with constipation issues. Drinking more water will definitely help with constipation issues. The regular bowel movement after drinking water in the morning is absolutely satisfying. The feeling of relief is not comparable to anything in this world. You will feel lighter, healthy, normal and ready to take on the day because waste is expelled from your body. It’s a great, simple and easy way to detox.

#2 | Drinking Water After Waking Up Creates A Habit Of Your Body Desiring Water in the Morning

You may notice that when you start drinking water after waking up then you may automatically start feeling thirsty in the morning. It will be a nagging feeling until you drink some water and then you will feel like this entire process is kicked off in your body. This is a good habit to support. It is not about drinking a lot of water but drinking when you are thirsty. Paying attention to your body and understanding what is needed is essential. When you are feeling thirsty, drink water, do not drink coffee or green tea or anything else but water.

#3 | Drinking Water After Waking May Cause You to Eat Less

When you drink water first thing in the morning, you may notice that you don’t really have an appetite to eat anything too much. Usually when you don’t have an appetite, you don’t eat. Drinking water first thing can make you feel satisfied longer. If you are in to intermittent fasting then this will help you a great deal. You won’t feel as hungry when intermittent fasting if that is something you battle with while fasting until your scheduled come off time.

#4 | Drinking Water After Waking May Cause Alertness

First, let me say that once you feel the water traveling through your body first thing in the morning … there’s no experience like it. I feel as if my body tells me thank you every time. You may be highly alert after drinking water. Sometimes, you can feel sluggish after sleeping and may drag your feet getting started. However, drinking water may make you alert where you get started with your day at a much faster pace with better mental clarity. I tried eating a banana to stay awake after waking up early but I believe drinking water does a better job … especially cool / cold water.

Until Next Time

Well, what do you think? Do you have similar experiences when drinking water immediately after waking up? Are you trying to improve your water drinking habits? What has worked for you? Please drop a comment below or email me. I would love to hear your feedback and/or stories. If you want a healthy and flavor bursting water infused drink idea then check out ‘The Best Restorative Honey Lime Water You Will Ever Drink’ post here.

Well, I will take my leave for now. I look forward to our time together again soon. Be inspired to have an appetite to Live and Live well.


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