8 Amazing Things Happened Going Vegan & Pescatarian For 8 Months

going vegan

Ola my friend! Do you ever think what would happen to you going vegan? People have asked me about my experience going vegan and I usually share a few things that quickly come to mind. However, as I pondered this question, I noted 8 things that happened during and after my vegan season.

I decided to go vegan after doing some research and completing a “Daniel Fast” January 2020. Basically I continued eating vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds. I also occasionally ate 100% wheat pita bread and brown rice. No meat, dairy, eggs or processed foods until closer to the end of this vegan season when I seldom ate salmon. Going vegan is definitely a mind shift but I was determined. I was so tired of feeling heavy and sluggish, having puffy red palms and feet, and not having energy.

Ok, ready for the list? I am so excited to share my experiences with you! Here goes….

#1 My Hair Grew Healthier and Longer

My hair! Cherish your hair, please. I always try to be kind and gentle with my hair because I have thin strands but a lot of them. I noticed the difference right away during my hair wash days. My hair went from being limp and straight to being a full strong curl snapping back. My hair stop shedding big time.

Going vegan does not take full credit for my hair growth but couple that with a pre-poo + shampoo + deep conditioning + moisturizer routine and you hold the keys to long healthy hair.

Going vegan will probably help your hair to grow too. My hair was eating “live foods” getting all the best nutrients because I was eating “live foods” and getting the best nutrients. My hair is the longest it has ever been (below bra strap) and it keeps growing!

#2 My Body Felt Full and Satisfied Longer

I noticed that I ate less and felt full and content for longer periods. It makes sense because beans, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables are packed with the protein, minerals, and vitamins your body needs. Once the body is satisfied, there are no messages sent to the brain signaling that food or some nutrient is needed.

Also, snacking was very minimum. Fruits were mainly what I yearned for when I wanted to snack. The fruit would fill me up fast and I would be completely content.

#3 I Craved Healthy Foods

My body started craving vegetables and fruits. I had strong desires to eat fruits and vegetables I regularly did not eat. For example, kale and lentils became staples. Avocados, cilantro, squash, eggplant, cauliflower, mango (to name a few), became excellent companions on my journey.

At first, I was concerned about having to eat the same thing over and over again. However, I did not miss meat or dairy during this vegan season. There were (are) so many options to try.

#4 My Cycle was Undetectable and Smelled Pleasant

Seems impossible or unfathomable but yes I did not notice when I started or was nearing the special time of the month. I was astonished (which is an understatement)! 100% undetectable before, during and after. Undetectable means there was no pain or smell. Yes. No pain or smell. The smell was actually a sweet pleasant smell of sorts.

I do not understand. The only way I found out that I started the special time of the month was seeing red. This was huge for me.

#5 My Skin Cleared Up and Glowed

My skin glowed and glowed. Pimple where? Blackhead where? It simply did not exist. I fell in love with my skin. The funny thing is that I didn’t completely appreciate this glow until ending my vegan season. My skin is doing good now but I know it look forward to my vegan seasons.

#6 Red Swollen Hands and Feet Disappeared

My family would often ask to see the palm of my hands because they would be deep red and puffy. High sodium and sugar intake was my only explanation. This all simply did not exist going vegan. I was extremely relieved and grateful.

#7 I Felt Good While Running

I often joke that I used to be allergic to exercise. But one form of exercise I fell in love with was distance running. I love the endurance factor and locking in a pace. I could probably go for days (joking). Running felt good and natural vs uncomfortable or painful. Imagine running after eating junk food or fast food. Yikes.

#8 I Lost A Lot of Weight | My Legs (Calves) Went Down

Ok, quick story. I purchased Frye leather boots many years ago. They were prefect except for one problem. My calves were too big. I was only able to zip midway but I refused to leave the store without buying these boots. I ended up going to the shoe repair shop to add an extra piece of leather strap and snap fastener.

Fast forward to going vegan and I was able to zip up my boots without any issues at all. There was even quite a bit a room left over. This deserved an honorable mention even though I lost weight in general. I went from around 80kg to around 65kg in weeks. It was almost instantaneously.

Final Thoughts

These are the 8 amazing things I experienced when going vegan for 8 months. I dare say going vegan is a beautiful way to detox. My main motivation was the validation from my body, mind and soul that they were so pleased with what I was eating. My swelling vanished, I did not feel like a ton bricks walking around and I felt so free just being natural me.

What about you? Do you have a similar list of things that happened to you when you went vegan? I would love to hear your experiences or feedback. Just comment below or send me a quick message to my email. I still have my vegan seasons but I have permanently adopted vegan snacks. If you are looking for some vegan snacks I highly recommend, then check out my list here.

Well, I will take my leave for now. I look forward to our time together again soon. Be inspired to have an appetite to Live and Live well.


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